Calvary’s growth track is a level-by-level interactive group study of Biblical truths and the character of God, continually increasing in depth and maturity with each level.
Ephesians 4:13-14
Meeting Tuesday Nights at 6:15 PM (childcare provided)

Track 1 - Seekers
Group teaching on "Life after the Salvation experience"; what do I do now and how do I move forward from here?
Weekly for 10 weeks
Weekly for 10 weeks

Track 2 - Fellowship
Learning and studying through the purpose and value of a local church, everyday worship with the Lord and fellowship with the Word of God.
Weekly for 10 weeks
Weekly for 10 weeks

Track 3 - Disciplers
As we grow in sanctification and as a servant of God, we will learn here that a core part of my purpose is to take this amazing gospel to those that don’t know Him.
Weekly for 10 weeks
Weekly for 10 weeks

Track 4 - The Calling
For disciples whose heart burns for more and senses a compelling call to walk in their personal ministry; discerning Spirit-given gifts, learning what to do next, and how to begin to serve in capacities using this/these gift(s).
Weekly for 10 weeks
Weekly for 10 weeks

Track 5 - Calvary University
Calvary University is our church’s own ‘school of ministry’ taught on campus that incorporates deeper training in the bible, ministry and theology to prepare students for receiving ministerial credentials and experience to serve in bi-vocation or full time ministry in their church, or elsewhere as future pastors, church planters, or missionaries.
6 months to 3 years
6 months to 3 years