Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Prayer and Altar Team
Jesus, quoting Isaiah 56:7, says that His house is to be a house of prayer. In response, Calvary has a dedicated Altar Team, equipped to provide prayer ministry through special appointment.
Matthew 5:48 states that God is perfect. He is complete and requires nothing, including our help. The purpose of the Altar Ministry is to cover a gap on His part. It is first and foremost an extension of the Father’s love for those that seek Him.
Matthew 5:48 states that God is perfect. He is complete and requires nothing, including our help. The purpose of the Altar Ministry is to cover a gap on His part. It is first and foremost an extension of the Father’s love for those that seek Him.

Calvary's staff provides non-credentialed Christian counseling to individuals seeking such services for a wide-range of personal and family needs including but not limited to: marital and family strains, depression, life transitions, loss of a loved one and more.
Our hospitality team creates an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality for Calvary Sunday services by means of greeting visitors, coffee-making, follow up with visitors, visitor dinners and more. This ministry is led by Lynn Bretsch.
Christian Education Scholarships
The scholarships ministry serves to support families and aid them in providing tuition scholarships to dedicated members of the church whose desire is to provide Christian-academy education to their children at select private schools or select home-school curriculum.
Gatekeepers ministry exists to serve the church by providing on-site security and safety training for our church body; this ministry serves our congregation on Sunday mornings promoting a watchful and safe atmosphere for adults and children in worship services and provides periodic training for families such as cyber security for our children or de-escalation of conflict.
Tech Team
This group operates the sound board for the worship team, speakers and special events; cameras for live streams and recordings, and computers to manage it all. Volunteers serve during services, practices and special functions.
Social Media
Our Social Media team creates graphics and posts for our Social Media pages and our Calvary app. Using social media to reach our local community in a positive way!