Meeting Needs

Church member in need of household goods

Older Church member returning to the North Country/moving into a new home in need of household furniture in good condition.

Providing Meals

  1. Meal Train for Matt & Cassandra Shatinksi who recently had a baby.   In addition to the baby, Matt recently started a new job and we all know sometimes there's a delay with the first check, making finances tight.  If you desire to give something small or significant to them, you can do so online at our giving site under benevolence and we will know its for them! 
  2. Seeking one or two families to provide a meal or two a month each to one of our local foster families.

Royal Rangers Helpers/Leaders

Our Royal Rangers Ministry is looking for men that are willing to be mentors and positive Christian role models for the boys involved in this ministry. Helpers/leaders would be teaching Bible lessons and instructing boys in hands on activities as well.

Toddlers & Nursery Workers

Are you willing/able to give us one Sunday every 6 weeks to serve in the Toddler and/or Nursery rooms during Service? 

Prison Ministry

  1. Writers to incarcerated members.  
  2. Driver for our trip in May/June (overnight; date TBD). 
  3. Minister in the jail for that trip.

Wraparound Care Teams/Leaders

Do you have a heart to wraparound those in need, provide meals and just help care for others?  We are looking for people that are willing to wrap around our foster families, single mothers etc. 

Scholarship Funds

In early 2020, our church started a scholarship fund to begin to put local students into local Christian Academy schools. We saw the remarkable fruit and increasing integrity of students that were going through Christian academies like Faith Fellowship and wanted to invest into producing more of tomorrow’s quality Christian leaders. Our hope as the Church was to open doors for parents who have long desired to put their children through Christian education but could not afford the tuition.
As a small community church with a large heart to reach the ends of the earth for Christ through our giving and our influence, we were able in our first three years to put 8 local children through academies.

Each  year we have helped to put 8-10 students through Christian academy at roughly $4,230/yr.
To meet this nearly $42,000 need, we are looking to fundraise within our congregation and local communities. Would you be willing to sponsor one of our students? Would you be willing to help make a difference for these children?

If you are willing and wish to support this endeavor please click on the link below to get connected with someone in our Church office.